
Plastic mold design and engineering processes

AsouDisseny supports the development of new products or ambitious technical projects. Our team consisting of engineers and specialist staff will advise you from the conceptual stage to the completion of your project, ensuring the viability of it.

Take advantage of our expertise and our versatility. In the following pages you will find information about our products and services.



The Features

An effective management, service quality, meet the objectives jointly with the client is our commitment.

Integrated solutions from initial design to achieve the final product.
The satisfaction of a job well done a.

Our working method

All project to create a visual piece, requires process engineering. It is synonymous with welfare.



For a mold process engineering

The advice and expertise of our professionals allows us to meet any customer's need.

Get in the hands of experts with extensive experience and highly competent in terms of planning.



Our offer

We assist in all phases of your project thoroughly and professionally.





Reig i Bonet, 21 3er. 2a.

08024 Barcelona


Telèfon: 932.848.762

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Horari d'oficina/        Horario de oficina


Dilluns/Lunes a Dijous/Jueves

08:00 - 13:30

15:00 - 19:00



08:00 - 14:00


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